3 Reasons Scribophiles Thrive in a Writing Community Online

Creative Writing Community- College, but Better

College is a place where people grow, learn, and discover their passions together. College is great for many professions but it’s not always the best place to grow as a writer. An online writing community is all you need to harness your creative protentional through collaborating with other writers and learning from online writing courses. The only way to become a professional writer is to join a community and here are three reasons why.

#1: Combat Imposter Syndrome:

If you’re starting out as a writer, nothing in this world is scarier than sharing your work. There is something so vulnerable about writing words down, whether it’s fiction or your own thoughts. There is so much that can go wrong. Writing is such an elaborate and intricate art form.

Maya Angelou said, “Each time I write a book, every time I face that yellow pad, the challenge is so great. I have written eleven books, but each time I think, ‘Uh oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody and they’re going to find me out.'” Once you have accepted the fact and that you are not alone with your feelings of self-doubt in your writing abilities, you open yourself up to the possibility to blossom as a writer.

You need people to cheer you on and combat negative thoughts once they burrow in your brain. Writing alone is for novices.

#2: Learn From Other’s Mistakes and Triumphs

You need a place to ask questions, celebrate triumphs, learn basic writing skills, and get critiques. The internet is a vast and terrifying place. Unless you hunker down to a smaller, like-minded group, you will never find the answers to your questions.

Here at The Publishing Room, we saw the need to learn from other people and that is why we created our membership community. We created a place where writers can ask questions and learn from experienced writers.

#3: Investing in Your Writing Creates Progress

Think about working out. How likely are you to use the free gym in your community compared to the gym you are paying for every month? You want to make the most of your investment and that is why you stick to things that cost something.

Investing monetarily in your writing will help you stay motivated, but the investment doesn’t have to break the bank. Some online communities can cost around $200, and it can be even more if you attend a community writing conference, but at The Publishing, we believe the cost should be much less than that.

For only $3.98 a month, members have access to live weekly teachings from experts in the industry, a community of people they can use as critique partners, accountability partners, cheerleaders, and access to all of the courses created in The Publishing Room, such as the Self-Publishing Course and Novel Bootcamp.

We’re Better Together

Wherever you are in the writing journey, writers work better with other writers. Writing is a hard journey when it’s done on your own. Let The Publishing Room help you grow as a writer and accomplish your dreams.


Self-Publishing vs Traditional Publishing